
An introduction to making placeful websites

Kirsten Spruit and Benjamin Earl, 29th & 30th March 2024, Topolò.

Aims for the workshop

  1. Introduce our coding principles
  2. Outline what makes up a website
  3. Learn basics of HTML & CSS (maybe Javascript)
  4. Introduce principles of hosting
  5. Make a site specific website

Schedule (29th)

Day 1: Friday website → place
09:00–09:30 Introduction 👋
09:30–10:00 HTML basics 🏗️
10:00–10:45 HTML exercises 🪺
10:45–11:00 <br> 🫠
11:00–10:30 CSS basics 🎨
11:30–12:00 CSS exercises 💅
12:00–13:00 Website making 👩‍💻
13:00–13:30 Show 'n' tell 🖥️

prompt for workshop:

Choose a place you want to dedicate a website to.

What we will need

A laptop with:

  1. a browser (Chrome, Firefox or Safari)
  2. a code editor (Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text)
  3. an internet connection

Pens & paper

What is a website?

PDF created by Laurel Schwulst

Website = Files

  • index.html
  • style.css
  • script.js


Hello world, this is my site specific site


Hypertext Markup Language

HTML consists of a series of elements, which you use to enclose, wrap, or mark up different parts of content to make it appear or act in a certain way. The enclosing tags can make content into a hyperlink to connect to another page, italicize words, and so on.

Anatomy of HTML file

<!doctype html>



Anatomy of HTML file

<!doctype html>


As defined in the Oxford Dictionary, "hyperlocal" is an adjective that relates to or focuses on matters concerning a small community or a specific geographical area.


<p>As defined in the Oxford Dictionary, "hyperlocal" is an adjective that relates to or focuses on matters concerning a small community or a specific geographical area.</p>

<p> a small community </p>

= element
= opening tag
= content
= closing tag

html tags

more tags here


"The <div> HTML element is the generic container for flow content."



Elements can be placed within other elements. This is called nesting.

<p>hyperlocal is an adjective that relates to or focuses on matters concerning a small community</p>

<p>hyperlocal is an adjective that relates to or focuses on matters concerning <strong>a small community</strong></p>

<section class="slide">
    <p>hyperlocal is an adjective that relates to or focuses on matters concerning a small community</p>   


Elements can also have attributes. These contain extra information about the element that won't appear in the content.

<p class="big-text"> a small community </p>

= element
= opening tag
= attribute
= content
= closing tag

<p>hyperlocal is an adjective that relates to or focuses on matters concerning a small community</p>

<p style="color: red;">hyperlocal is an adjective that relates to or focuses on matters concerning a small community</p>

a small <a href=""> community </a>

= element
= opening tag
= attribute
= content
= closing tag
<h1>heading 1</h1> <h2>heading 2</h2>
<h3>heading 3</h3>
<h4>heading 4</h4>
<h5>heading 5</h5>
<h6>heading 6</h6>

Unordered List

<li>list item</li>
<li>list item</li>

  • list item
  • list item

Ordered List

<li>list item</li>
<li>list item</li>

  1. list item
  2. list item

<img src="a-nice-image.jpg" alt="a pretty picture">

a picture of some trees with sunlight filtering through

= element
= void/empty tag
= attributes

How to code a place

Exercise 1

describing your place in pseudocode

photo taken during Hackers & Designers Summercamp 2023

Exercise 2

translate your pseudocode into real code

helpful hints


Cascading Style Sheets

CSS is a language used to describe how the elements within an HTML documented should be rendered on screen.

As the “cascading” in CSS suggests, the styling rules will overwrite one another based on its inherent hierarchy and order of appearance (when there are conflicting rulesets, the last one overwrites what came before).

Ways of styling

Styling can be done in-line (1), internal inside the <head> of an html file (2) and external inside a CSS file (3).

1) <p style="color: red;">hyperlocal is an adjective that relates to or focuses on matters concerning a small community</p>

2) <style>
p {
color: red;

3) p {
color: red;
(make sure to link the stylesheet in the <head>)

Anatomy of a CSS ruleset

p {
color: red;

= selector
= declaration
= property
= property value

Types of selectors

  • Element selector → p { }
  • Class selector → .special { }
  • ID selector → #snowflake { }
  • Type selector → span { }
  • Pseudo-class selector → a:hover { }

Thinking in- and outside the box

This box has a blue dashed border. It also has a margin (empty space outside of the border in relation to its parent box) and padding (empty space between the border and content)

Display property

display: block;

display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;

More on display options


width: 300px;
height: 200px;

width: 30vw;
height: 20vh;

More on sizing

Exercise 3

Style your place using CSS

Tip: give all your elements a different background-color and/or border to make the boxes more visible

End of Day 1

A domani!


An introduction to making placeful websites
Day 2

Kirsten Spruit and Benjamin Earl, 29th & 30th March 2024, Topolò.

Schedule (30th)

Day 2: Saturday place ← website
13:00–13:45 Website Inspiration + Introduction to hosting 🏡
13:45–16:30 Working on site specific website 🧰
16:30–17:00 Prepare for LAN party 🔌
17:00–??:?? LAN PARTY! 🏘️

Incomplete guide to Hosting

Langage of hosting
(borrowed from Fruitful Schools guide to hosting with edits)

📝 website a file or a bundle of files living on a server somewhere
🖥 server a computer that’s always connected to the internet, so when someone types your URL into a browser, the server will offer up your website. usually you have to pay for a server, also called “hosting” or a “host.” however, self-hosting is also an option
📍 IP “internet protocol” address, which is a unique string of numbers that’s an address for any device connected to the internet which other machines use to find that device—whether it's your home router, your computer, your cellphone, or a server,
〰️ domain a understandable human-readable piece of language that points to an IP address,

Langage of hosting
(borrowed from Fruitful Schools guide to hosting with edits)

URL “universal resource location” which is the specific address to a specific web page.
hosting provider a business that handles providing servers / web hosting,
domain name registrar a business that handles the reservation of domain names as well as the assignment of IP addresses for those domain names.,,, and


DNS “domain name system” which is like all the phonebooks of the entire internet

Langage of hosting
(borrowed from Fruitful Schools guide to hosting with edits)

📗 nameserver a single phonebook that is owned by the hosting provider that lists all the domain names associated with its customers
〰️📍 DNS record a line in the metaphorical phonebook
TLD a “top-level domain” is the rightmost part of a domain name such as .com. certain TLDs are reserved for specific geographic areas or societal services

Other examples include .org, .net, .school, etc. New TLDs are added every year, see this list on Wikipedia. Google around for the latest.

What happens when you type in







Simple and Free hosting:

Github Pages

Paid and more flexible hosting:

Situated Hosting
Poetic Hosting

generic image of the interior of a data centre

Raspberry Pi, a single-board computer that can host a website, amongst other things

The Varia server hosting all Varia's digital infrastructure

Server programmed, designed and built by Lukas Engelhardt

An ESP-32 module that can host a 1MB website that is not connected to the internet

This ESP module was used to host a website about a field, in a field.

The Robida website in the Robida HQ, Topolò